H M Humayun Kabir

Operation Manager MSc (SWEDEN)

About H M Humayun Kabir

HM Humayun Kabir is our senior certified study abroad counselor and expert visa advisor. He has a strong academic background in maritime studies from Sweden and has previously served as a chief engineer in maritime.
Mr Kabir has evident academic excellence with first-position distinctions throughout his bright career. Having traveled to over 50 countries and possessing decades of hands-on learning experience, he deeply understands the value and importance of studying abroad. 

As a member of our advisory board, Mr. Kabir brings a wealth of experience and insight. His unwavering commitment to the students he advises, coupled with his expertise, makes him an invaluable asset to our team and to the students he guides.

Moreover, Mr. Kabir's personal experience as an international student enriches his ability to empathize with potential candidates. This unique perspective allows him to provide personalized counseling, understanding the unique circumstances and challenges that students face when studying abroad. His dedication to guiding students through the complex process of foreign university admission ensures they make informed decisions about their academic and career goals.

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